Monday, May 10, 2010

it is the first official day of summer and i am here eating left over kobe beef from last night's dinner. was afraid to heat it up even for 30 seconds because the rare in medium rare might become just medium or done within that short span of time. so the meat is cold but so delicious. funny how massaging a cow and feeding it beer can change the texture so much. oh wait shoot..does that count as animal cruelty?

i got an internship for the summer at terracycle, a company that takes waste and recycles it into other usable products such as bags, picture frames, etc. i'm excited but kind of scared. hope it goes well.

at the beginning of each summer i always come up with a mental list in my head of projects i want to start. the problem isn't starting though, it's finishing. i'd like to do more crafts--making earrings, clothing, and random stuff. maybe designing a product or two that'd be cool. i hope it's a full hearted effort and not half hearted. half heartedness can be so discouraging :(

i think that i will take a chance on this ankle and try finally, FINALLY, to go on a short run today. emphasis on short. haven't really felt the heat of the sun on my back and a face of dripping sweat in a while. yes yes, the queen of sweat is ready to sweat again. i would like to post more pictures. i will begin with this fascination that happened a few weeks ago but is now healing up. i apologize in advance.

i'll save you from having to see my bruised foot that i took on my phone that i don't know how to upload to the computer, so you're in luck. the blood from the sprained ankle traveled down and formed a purple ring up against my toes. i thought it was all pretty cool until joe told me it was dangerous because it could cut off circulation to my toes. then i was pretty scared. hah. well at least there's visual evidence that my pain was not in my head.


i just finished an artichoke and it has this totally sweet kick at the end. sweet not as in, "oh wow that's so sweet (aka cool)," but as in "wow that pastry is sweet" kind of sugar sweet. weird too because avacado's aren't sweet. okay i think you get the point. buy an artichoke seed, steam it, and peel off each petal thing, dip the end in mayonaise and eat the tip. trust me it's good.


  1. wait, is that a recent pic of your foot or an old one? eek, can't believe you're still recovering.. hope it felt ok on your run. if not, you should go to a doc!

    and i like reading your blogs btw. i was an anonymous reader but now i'll go public. haha. enjoy your internship, seems interesting! -lois

  2. hii lois! i hope you see this response haha. Yeah that's an old picture of my foot. The bruising is gone now and the only visible trace of the sprain is that the area is still slightly swollen.

    thanks for your encouragement lois, i really appreicate it! :)
