Monday, February 22, 2010

changing in the dark

so today i felt so foolish. i think that this is becoming a theme, me being/feeling foolish. sorry for the seemingly pessimistic attitude, but really, sometimes, correction most of the time, foolishness works to counteract pride. and believe me, there is a heckuva of a lot of pride stored up in this one fist sized heart of mine.

went to the gym today after my night class, feeling all tough because even though i was super sore from flag football yesterday, i decided to do a light workout and get rid of some of that lactic acid stored up in my poor muscles. got to the gym and had to change into my t-shirt and shorts in the bathroom. problem was that the light to the one-roomed girl's bathroom was broken, so i had to change in the dark. finished changing and walked out into the room full of worker outers only to look down and realize my shirt was very apparently on backwards with the tag sticking out in front of me. embarrassed, i walk into the boys bathroom, which DOES have a light, to put it on correctly. walked out of the boys bathroom to see a boy sitting on the bench in front of the bathroom waiting for it to be available. i felt him staring as i walked past. i wish i coulda told him to read the sign on the girls' bathroom door--LIGHT NOT WORKING--to explain why i was in the men's restroom.

but wait, there's more. i wanted to run on one of the good treadmills and lucky me! someone just got off. there was another boy standing next to it though so i asked him if he was waiting for the treadmill. it took me 4 times to finish asking the question because for some reason i kept stuttering. he said no, and i got another weird look. started running on the treadmill and a minute later a guy tells me he has reserved it for that time. grrreat. i switch to the so-so quality treadmill (there are three kinds) but then! i see a good treadmill open again. get on it only to, again, a minute later, have a girl tell me she had reserved it. so i get off and see that the good treadmills, and the so-so treadmills are all taken. what's left is the crappy treadmill all the way on next to the wall. served me right. siigh.

but thankfully i didn't just wallow in my frustration but instead tried to see it as a lesson. don't change in the doesn't work, and i mean that in both the literal and in the "transformation" way. things always get messed up, put on backwards, inside out, upside down. you think you're doing alright and then all of a sudden you realize you've dug a bigger hole and there is no way out. you're living in your sin and surrounded by darkness. you can't seek redemption in a broken world. the only way to possibly really, truly change is to step out into the light, that light being found in Jesus. i hope that that's a correct analogy. please correct me if i'm wrong. and as to the treadmill situation, i was trying to get ahead without following the correct procedures. i wanted to get the best treadmill, but it wasn't my time. it took me getting kicked off twice to get it. i guess it kind of relates to my school work too. i desire so much to be a good designer, to come up with clever, original ideas. but if i don't put in the time, if i don't actively learn things, i'm not gonna get better. you can't really climb a ladder without the rungs. well i guess you could but it's a lot harder.

John 3:19-21

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

saw this going around on tumblr. it's quite true, except sometimes i really do laugh. lol. did i just laugh? um, no.

(via larrylin)

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