Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Something silly I made in my video editing class. Hopefully it will make you laugh, or make you feel super embarrassed for me. Please, don't judge.

Monday, July 4, 2011

fickle |ˈfikəl|
changing frequently, esp. as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection

It's funny how fickle we can be as a collective society. I think I used to equate being fickle with little kids who can be easily swayed by whatever emotion is being worn on their sleeve at the given time, but I've begun to see how maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the opposite is true. When you're a child, the color you like remains so for a long time. It's not pink one day and green the next. It's pink pink pink, a fully committed decision that manifests itself in pink shoes, dresses, wallpaper, backpack, pens, hairbands, etc. When you're a child, the person you love remains the person you love, regardless. The person you hold dear to your heart may do something wrong that hurts your feelings, but at a young age, almost nothing can hinder that deep-rooted love and loyalty towards that individual. Some may call it being naive, but there is something so beautiful about that child-like faith. A child-like faith in God is the simple acceptance that God can do anything--and He can. Somewhere along the way though, we put on our fickle glasses that skewed how we see the world, and how we view God. Somewhere along the way we decided that we sprouted a second brain that understands the ways of the world and since we're so smart then of course! our thinking must be right. And even if this line of thought isn't voiced, it's demonstrated in our actions and our words, that we know better than our Creator.

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ." -Colossians 2:8

We've become fickle beings ready to chase a butterfly through a field one second, then the chipmunk to its hole the next, and all the while a snake lies in hiding ready to bite. As C.S Lewis put it, we are far too easily pleased in our pursuit for happiness. We settle for fickle joys that are as fleeting as a piece of chewing gum. You chew and chew until all the flavor is gone, then spit it out unsatisfied looking for another piece. So it continues. Fickle.

I'm struggling not to be fickle and to carefully examine my motivations to make sure that it's for the long run, for Christ and His righteousness. More often than not my motivations are convoluted with my own selfish desires and the temptation to please the world. Help me God because I can't do this alone.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Umm, I think this is me? Sometimes.